Boomcast At The Movies

Frank and friends sit down and have a roundtable discussion about the inner workings of disappointing media. They then try to dissect its failure, and get really pissed off in the process.

Boomcast At the Movies: Baby Driver

Ian, Frank, and Jeux sit down to discuss their mostly mixed feelings on Baby Driver after watching it on opening night.

Boomcast at the Movies – Ghostbusters (2016)

Frank, Jeux, and special guest Marissa take a look at the new Ghostbusters movie.

Boomcast at the Movies: X-Men Apocalypse

Frank and Jeux are joined by TJ as they rake the latest X-Men movie over the coals.

Boomcast at the Movies – God’s Not Dead 2

Frank drags Jeux to the comedy event of the season. Remember to text your friends!

Boomcast at the Movies – Hardcore Henry

Frank and Jeux delve into the world’s first fully first-person action movie.

Boomcast at the Movies – Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice

Zack Snyder must be stopped.

The Rantcast 05 – Terminator Genisys

Frank and Jew decide to catch the new Terminator movie for reasons only they can fathom.

Rantcast 04 – Metacast: Zombies

Frank and Larry take a look at zombie fiction, and bitch about how it’s completely played out.

Rantcast 03 – Resident Evil Retribution


Rantcast 02 – The Thing (2011)

Somebody kill this shit with fire.